Loteria Cards In English 4,0/5 8428 votes
A lotería board and traditional ways to win
- Loteria Traditional Lottery Card Game Juego De Loteria English Version Sealed Q8. Mi Primera Loteria Mexican bingo Game.NEW.Nueva. $8.79. Loteria Mexicana Family Set of 10 Boards and Cards NEW Bingo Cards Sealed pkg.
- No more 'CARD shuffle'! This application will do it for you in one click!. CONNECT YOUR ANDROID DEVICE TO YOUR SPEAKER AND PLAY. With Baraja Loteria MX you can:. Record your own voice to 'play it'. Draw cards every 2 20 seconds. Activate or Deactivate sung cards. View card history by sliding from left to right - Pause / Continue game by pressing on the cards.
- The problem with traditional loteria cards is that the images are not family friendly. These cards, however, fit the bill and were exactly what we were searching for.
Mexican Loteria cards are cards that are used with Mexican Loteria. There are little riddles or sayings that go with each card. I recently learned that there are actually different sayings depending on the region of Mexico. I am posting the ones I know of, along with my interpretations of what the cards.
Lotería is a game of chance, similar to bingo, but using images on a deck of cards instead of plain numbers on ping pong balls. Every image has a name and an assigned number, but the number is usually ignored. Each player has at least one tabla, a board with a randomly created 4 x 4 grid of pictures with their corresponding name and number. Players choose what tabla they want to play with, from a variety of previously created tablas. Each one presents a different selection of images.
Lotería is the Spanish word for lottery. The deck is composed of a set of 54 different images, each one in a card. To start the game, the caller (cantor, or singer) randomly selects a card from the deck and announces it to the players by its name, sometimes using a riddle or humorous patter instead of reading the card name. The players with a matching pictogram on their board mark it off with a chip or other kind of marker (many Mexican people traditionally use small rocks, crown corks or pinto beans as markers). The first player with four chips in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row, squared pattern,any other previously specified pattern, or fills the tabla first shouts '¡Lotería!' (Lottery!) or '¡Buenas!' (Good!) and is the winner.
Lotería game based on cacao being played at the Universum museum in Mexico City
Set up of a lotería game at the Museo de Culturas Populares in Toluca
The origin of lottery can be traced far back in history. The game originated in Italy in the 15th century and was brought to New Spain (Mexico) in 1769. In the beginning, lotería was a hobby of the upper classes, but eventually it became a tradition at Mexican fairs.
The most famous maker of the card sets nowadays is Pasatiempos Gallo, S.A. de C.V., headquartered in the city of Santiago de Querétaro, (operating as Don Clemente, Inc. in the United States), which began publishing the game in 1887 when Don Clemente Jacques started to produce the cards. The current images have become iconic in Mexican culture, as well as gaining popularity in the US and some European countries. Other popular Loteria sets are Loteria Leo and Loteria de mi tierra.
Cards and associated riddles
Catrina in Chapala, Jalisco with dress of lotería cards
The following is a list of all the original 54 Lotería cards, traditionally and broadly recognized in all of Mexico. Below each card name and number, are the riddles (in Spanish) sometimes used to tell the players which card was drawn. However, there are several less traditional set of cards, depicting different objects or animals.
Further reading
- Lotería: A Novel, by Mario Alberto Zambrano
- Playing Lotería: El Juego de La Lotería, by René Colato Laínez
- El Arte De La Suerte, by Artes De Mexico Número 13, Otoño 1991, Nueva Época
- How to play Loteria
- Scans of Lotería decks from multiple manufacturers
- Software to print Loteria
These riddles and translations were originally published at http://www.hipark.austin.isd.tenet.edu/latino/translation.html.
This list is meant to help teachers use the riddles on the backs of the Loteria cards while playing the game wiith their students. I believe to play the game correctly, the caller reads the riddle and the players must figure out the corresponding picture. The riddles are traditional sayings, puns and/or jokes based on the words. Many of the puns are lost with the translation into English. If anyone has explanations or corrections for our translations, they are welcomed.
A neat language arts assignment for older students might involve analyzing or writing new riddles for the cards.
Another interesting thing to discuss are the puns- La Pera- espera, desespera.....Have students find the puns in Spanish. Perhaps new puns could be written in English for various cards.
The translations are courtesy of Sylvia Muir and Merlina Rodriguez from Highland Park.
The Crown: The hat of kings
LA ESCALERA: Súbeme paso apasito. Ho quieras pegar brinquitos.
The Ladder: Climb me step by step. You don't want to hop up.
EL PARAGUAS:Para el sol y para el agua .
EL ARBOL: El qué a buen árbol se arrima buena sombra le cobija.
The Tree: He that seeks the shelter of a good tree, good shade covers him.
LA LUNA: El farol de enamorados.
EL VIOLONCELLO: Creciendo se fue hasta el Cielo y como no fue violón. Tuvo que ser violoncello.
The Cello: Growing he went up to Heaven, and because he wasn't a violin, he had to be a cello.
EL SOL: La cobija de los pobres.
EL CATRIN: Don Ferruco en la almeda su bastón quería tirar.
The Dandy: Don Ferruco in the Alameda, he wanted to toss away his cane, polish his steps.
LA DAMA: La dama puliendo el paso, por todo la calle real.
The Lady: The lady, taking an elegant walk along the main street.
EL GALLO: El que le cantó a San Pedro no le volverá a cantar.
The Rooster: He that sang to St. Peter will not return to sing again.
EL VENADO: El venado no ve nada.
The Bell: The bell and you underneath.
EL PAJARO: Tú me traes a puros brincos como pájaro en la rama.
The Bird: You've got me jumping to it like a bird on a branch.
EL NEGRITO: El que se comió el azúcar.
EL DIABLITO: Pórtate bien cuatito si note lleva el coloradito.
The Little Devil: Behave yourself so that the little red one doesn't carry you off.
EL CAZO: El caso que te hago es poco.
The Melting Pan: The attention I pay you is little. (This is a play on the words cazo and caso)
EL BARRIL: Tanto bebió el albañil que quedó como barril.
The Barrel: The bricklayer drank so much that he ended up like a barrel.
LA ESTRELLA: La guía de los marineros.
Loteria Cards In English
LA GARZA: Al otro lado del río, tengo me banco de arena, donde se sienta me chata pico de garza morena.
The Heron: On the other side of the river is the sandbar where sits my honey with a beak like a brown heron.
EL CAMARON: Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva al corriente.
The Shrimp: The shrimp that sleeps is carried by the current.
EL TAMBOR : No te arrugues cuero viejo que te quiero pa'tambor.
The Drum: Don't wrinkle old leather, because I want you for my drum.
LA ARAÑA: Atarántamela a palos no me la dejes llegar.
The Spider: Stun it with blows; just don't let her get to me.
EL PESCADO: El que por la boca muere.
EL SOLDADO: Uno, dos y tres, el soldado p'al cuartel.
The Soldier: One, two and three, the soldier goes to the barracks.
LA CALAVERA: Al pasar por el panteón, me encontré una calavera.
The Skull: While passing the graveyard, I found a skull.
EL COTORO: Cotora, daca la pata y empiézame a platicar.
The Pitcher: The pitcher goes often to the water.
EL MUNDO: Este mundo es una bola y nosotros un bolón.
The World: This world is a sphere and we a foundation.
LAS JARAS: Las jaras del indio Adán donde pegan dan.
The Arrows: The arrows of the Indian Adam where they are joined together.
LA SANDIA: La barriga que Juan tenía era empacho de sandía.
The Watermelon: John's belly was stuffed full of watermelon.
EL MELON : Me lo das o me lo quitas.
The Boot: One boot is the same as the other.
LA BOTELLA: La hermienta del borracho.
EL CORAZ&Oaccute;N: No me extrañes corazón que regreso en el camión.
The Heart: Don't miss me, heart, because I will return in a truck.
LA BANDERA : Verde, blanco y colorado, la bandera del soldado.
The Flag: Green, white and red, the flag of the soldier.
LA MACETA: El que nace pa'maceta no sale del corredor.
The Flowerpot: He who is born to be a flowerpot will never leave the corridor.
LA PALMA: Palmera sube a la palma y bájame un coco real.
The Palm Tree: Keeper of the palms, climb the palm tree and bring me down a magnificent coconut.
EL GORRITO : Ponle su gorrito al nene no se nos vaya a resfriar.
The Little Bonnet: Put the baby's little cap on; let's don't cause him to catch cold.
LA MANO: La mano de un criminal.
EL ARPA: L'arpa vieja de mi suegra ya no sirve pa'tocar.
The Harp: My mother-in-law's old harp is no longer of use to play.
EL APACHE: Ay chihuahua! Cuanto apache con pantalón y huarache?
The Apache (thug): OH my goodness! How many thugs there are with trousers and sandals?
EL BORRACHO: A qué borracho tan necio ya no lo puedo aguantar.
The Drunk: I cannot put up with the foolish drunk.
EL MUSICO: El músico trompa de hule, ya no me quiere tocar.
The Musician: The musician has oiled his horn; now he doesn't want to play for me.
LA ROSA: Rosa, Rosita, Rosaura.
Loteria Cards Download
EL VALIENTE: Por qué le corres cobarde trayendo tan buen puñal.
The Hero: Why are you running like a coward when you are carrying such a good dagger?
LA PERA: El que espera, desespera.
LA CHALUPA: Rema y rema va lupita, sentada en su chalupita.
The Sloop (little boat): Paddle and paddle goes Lupita, seated in her little boat.
EL PINO: Fresco, oloroso y en todo tiempo hermoso.
The Pine: Fresh, fragrant and at all times beautiful.
EL NOPAL: Al que todos van a ver cuando tiene que comer.
The Cactus: To which all go to see when they have to eat.
LA RANA: Al ver a la verde rana que brinco pegó tu hermana.
The Frog: See the green frog that jumped into your sister.
LA MUERTE: La muerte siriqui siaca.
The Scorpion: He that bites with his tail.
EL BANDOLON: Tocando su bandolón está el mariachi Simón.
Loteria Game In English
The Mandolin: The mariachi Simon is playing his big mandolin.
Loteria Cards App
LA SIRENA: Con los cantos de sirena no te vayas a marear.
What Is The Best Card In Loteria
The Mermaid: Don't get dizzy with the songs of the mermaid.